About Us
Founded by Melissa Etheridge and friends, the Etheridge Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Our mission is to support groundbreaking scientific research into new plant medicine and psychedelic treatments for opioid use disorder (OUD).
We are the only nonprofit organization focused on this specific mission, and we drive advancement through both research and advocacy.
We partner with and support organizations that:
Develop plant- and nature-based treatments outside the current pharmaceutical norms;
Consider and treat mental health issues in conjunction with substance use disorders; and
Work to find new answers and access for people suffering from the devastating effects of opioid use disorder.
Our research partners have included:
University of Wisconsin – Program for Research, Outreach, Therapeutics, and Education in the Addictions (PROTEA)
University of British Columbia - Okanagan, Walsh lab
University of New Mexico School of Medicine - Milagro Program
International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service (ICEERS)
Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery (MIND) Program
Our advocacy includes:
Activism for national and international drug policy reform
Educating policy makers about unscientific laws that are blocking medical progress
Public education through events, media, and multimedia channels
Promoting OUD-specific research within the psychedelic science community
Promoting psychedelic research for OUD within the mainstream medical community
Solidarity with Indigenous Rights movements
Highlighting harm reduction efforts by allies
Our Story
The Etheridge Foundation was created in response to a tragedy.
On May 13, 2020, Melissa’s family lost her son Beckett from causes related to opioid addiction.
He was only 21 years old.
This unthinkable loss was deeply personal for Melissa and her family – but is also heartbreakingly widespread throughout families in the US today.
In her grief, Melissa knew that she had to take action to turn the tide of the opioid crisis.
The Struggle for Effective Treatment
As a teenager, Beckett was in a serious accident while training towards his goal of become a professional snowboarder.
He broke his ankle badly, and suffered a head injury that wasn’t recognized immediately by medical providers.
Following the injury, he was prescribed opioid painkillers.
The highly addictive properties of opioids added to Beckett’s physical pain and the emotional devastation of losing his dream to form a deadly combination that pulled Beckett into opioid abuse – as is the case for so many people.
As his opioid use disorder (OUD) became clear, Melissa and the family supported Beckett into treatment, multiple times.
But even with access to the “best” facilities, conventional treatments failed him – as they do so many.
An Outpouring of Love
Amongst the indescribable pain of Beckett’s death, there was an immediate outpouring of love and compassion from Melissa’s fans.
Her supporters started an online fundraising campaign, organized by Etheridge Nation Fan Liaison Tracy Albright, to buy Melissa a memorial bench for her garden.
However, donation levels quickly soared past the cost of the bench. More than 1300 people donated a total of more than $50,000.
Pain to Determination
In the midst of tremendous grief, Melissa considered how to best honor these gifts.
Inside herself, she found determination.
To change the broken addiction treatment system that had failed Beckett, and continues to fail so many.
To make available better, more effective solutions for people to truly heal their opioid use disorder.
To advance treatment approaches that address the root causes of opioid abuse – including the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
And from her own powerful experiences with plant medicines – as well as increasing new research – Melissa knew that nature-based therapies could be that transformative medicine.
Determination to Hope
From this fire inside Melissa – of love, determination, and hope – the Etheridge Foundation was created.
We are committed to advancing access to groundbreaking plant medicines and psychedelic therapies that offer unique effectiveness for people struggling with opioid use disorder.
We’re deeply grateful to our supporters, who have held Beckett in love every step of the way.
With you, we will expand the treatment system for OUD to offer new answers and healing for people, families, and communities.